Saturday, January 16, 2010


It's really really cold in my house today. I really wish all the snow would melt and go home to the oceans and lakes of the world. Just sent the world's longest email to my mom about why I love Pullip and how I want Fanatica for my birthday. I really doubt it'll do anything but it's worth a shot.
Other than that I've been stuck at home all day because for some weird reason, no one will call me. ;)
Wellllll... My friend just got on chat with me soooo... BYE!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Youtube makes the world slow down

With over 300 videos on my youtube favorites list, at least some of them have to be good! Heres some of my super favorites:
Sims 2: Lilium

Sims 2: Karma Slave

What Lady Gaga does well, MIKA does superbly

Mr. B in a banner ad

Rah Rah Ah Ah Ah AAh

80's musical t.v. shows+Newsies= THIS

Numa Numa Newsies

Monty Python

And of course we need something 90's for the mix...

Enjoy yourselves... Whoever you are...
- P.