Monday, February 22, 2010

This just in...

Lace is the new plaid. Or... At least I hope it will be. Then again, Forever21 said last week rompers were in and I haven't seen nobody wearin' no romper. Which is good, I really hate rompers.
So... I never post but I don't need to apologize for that. There's no one to apologize to. So why do I keep posting? Because I need something to talk to when no one is on facebook.
Well, I got this turtle for my birthday. I love this turtle and I truly feel this turtle hates me back. Yes he is cute and tiny and everything but I can't help but feel I'd like a doll more. Don't look at me like that, I said I loved the turtle. I just don't think I'm old enough to be able to care for him properly. Sometimes I just want to break down and cry because I don't think he'll live much longer. My mom doesn't care about him health-wise. She says whatever the boy at the petstore said he needs is what he needs but that boy at the petstore was texting while he talked to us. Actually, scratch that. It wasn't even a pet store, it was a kiosk at the SAGINAW MALL. All they fed the things were pellets. They had 12+ turtles in the same size tank I have mine in. 5 of them weren't even red eared sliders. Thats totally healthy. But if you think thats bad you should have seen the full grown RES I saw at the pet store here in town. He was in this teeny tank full of gravel and barely any basking space. Why is this bad?
1. Aquatic turtles, like red eared sliders, need room to swim. Hence the word aquatic.
2. If a turtle eats gravel, it's likely it will pass though it's body but there are cases when they don't and the turtle dies a slow, painful death because it's intestines are all clogged up with brightly colored rocks. I don't care if the rocks are pretty, TAKE EM OUT! I did as soon as I saw pictures of turtles pooing out pebbles.
3. Basking for turtles helps shell's health and who doesn't love to lie out in the sun?
Hmm... Maybe I do know what I'm doing. But am I kind enough to spend any of the cash I'm saving up to buy myself Venus to save a life? Maybe, but it will matter how much that filters gonna cost me. In two years how much is that tank upgrade gonna be? Could I just keep him in a bucket instead to save myself a few $100? I really hope I can get attached to that baby.

Rachel, you haven't talked to me for over a month for reasons still unknown and yet your still my only blog follower... Comments anyone?


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