So... I never post but I don't need to apologize for that. There's no one to apologize to. So why do I keep posting? Because I need something to talk to when no one is on facebook.
Well, I got this turtle for my birthday. I love this turtle and I tru
1. Aquatic turtles, like red eared sliders, need room to swim. Hence the word aquatic.
2. If a turtle eats gravel, it's likely it will pass though it's body but there are cases when they don't and the turtle dies a slow, painful death because it's intestines are all clogged up with brightly colored rocks. I don't care if the rocks are pretty, TAKE EM OUT! I did as soon as I saw pictures of turtles pooing out pebbles.
3. Basking for turtles helps shell's health
Hmm... Maybe I do know what I'm doing. But am I kind enough to spend any of the cash I'm saving up to buy myself Venus to save a life? Maybe, but it will matter how much that filters gonna cost me. In two years how much is that tank upgrade gonna be? Could I just keep him in a bucket instead to save myself a few $100? I really hope I can get attached to that baby.
Rachel, you haven't talked to me for over a month for reasons still unknown and yet your still my only blog follower... Comments anyone?
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