Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I owe you an IOU

For another pointless blog post!
Here, have a James! (But you have to give him back or else I'll claw your eyes out of your skull!)
Yes, just another beautiful man to obsess over. What else is new, really?

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I should probably blog about something instead of blogging about well... Nothing. I could blog about music, but I'm not bold enough to listen to anything. And I'm NOT GONNA BLOG ABOUT DOLLS cause that'll drag in quite a crowd of characters. I could blog about my art but I don't actually have any fans. Don't know much about fashion... I could run experiments on my turtle and track his growth... for science...? [Because that's not animal cruelty or anything...]
My cousins are here from Colorado and of course they brought there DSes...DSs... DSeses? Anyhow they brought those, their DSis, and their Xbox360, because they just love their family. But seriously, they're awesome to be related to they just hate nature I 'spose...

I'm off to go squirt things with my Super Soaker all alone now.
Any blogging suggestions would be nice thankyouverymuch. ._.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Oh shoot! My sunburn is getting dead skin all over Sabrina's shirt!

Pretty much. :p
I'm really hungry 24/7 and no matter how much I eat, I'm just not full so I'm just letting it happen and not eating at all. Ok, that's a lie. I still eat breakfast, lunch [occasionally], and dinner I just don't eat random snacks or anything during the day.
What's new...
Oh yeah! Music.
I listen to an awful lot of it. I just recently got my hands on some new Regina Spektor sounds for my ipod and I have 4 or 5 favorite songs at the moment. I suggest
You Don't Know Me- Ben Folds feat. Regina Spektor
Keep Your Head- The Ting Tings
Here Comes My Baby- Sons Of Admirals <---[Charlie is in this band! <3]
Dark Blue- Jack's Mannequin
What To Say- Born Ruffians

I'm also all into Lady Gaga out of nowhere. She's a character herself, but her music is good when I'm walking or doing anything that involves much energy.
Blahh. I have to write in my fanfiction tonight but I dunn wanna! I've even gotten a couple more readers to please!
Better grab a pack of animal crackers, open up a Diet Coke and get typin.
Peace from North of the Middle East
P.S. I was thinking... When I'm older I want to get a tattoo. I was thinking of either getting a bar code of something I own that's important to me possibly on my hip along with a little MADE IN CHINA script beneath my left foot OR get my little GAO signature on the back of my shoulder, on the blade. Which is better?

Friday, June 11, 2010


Today, my mom wanted to use the computer for "a quick sec" and that "sec" turned into at least a half hour. So I did what any other 14-year-old girl would do, stare at myself in the mirror and make faces.
Then I poorly sketched myself. My eyes look too big, my eye lashes are too clumped and my hair is sadly not that 'volumus'. I like her anyhow, she looks like a puppy.
Sorry it's so big, I can't re-size it for some reason...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

20th post!

Yay for me! (Too bad no one is reading this...)
Tomorrow is the last day of school and unlike everyone else, I'll be going a completely different route. While everyone at my school is going to Dow High, I'll be at Midland with only about 3 or 4 other kids at my school. Some of the people I'm leaving behind I'm glad I'll never have to encounter again, but others, not so much. Some of the people I talk to regularly I'm even not so sad about; we just talk about the English assignment from last night or maybe about the Spring Break trips we took, nothing but mindless chatter. Even people I just make jokes with I don't mind leaving.
All of them say that we will keep in touch and nothing will separate us, but I know I wont talk to any of them. It's sad, but these last few weeks, I've just decided to let it be. Not many of them I'm particularly close to so that makes it so much easier for me. The friends I was really close to aren't so close to me anymore, I've really let myself withdraw from everyone just to make letting go painless, and it's worked.
Sabrina said she'd walk home from school with me tomorrow, but I know she wont.
Bye guys, it's been a great 3 years but it's high time I grew up.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


If I could be anyone in the world, I'd be this model.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Back into the circulation pt. 2

Ok, this goes from top to bottom.
#1 is Specs. He wasn't my first "boyfriend" but he definetly deserves to be #1. A newsie, of course.

#2 Tom. The newest "addition" to my "collection" >:)

#3 Q2, from Star Trek Voyager, what else?! He was my first official "boyfriend". Isn't he cute?! He sings, too!


#5 is indeed a doll. But he's so amazing!

#6 Brighton Sheffield from The Nanny. Not amazingly cute but his character made me love him for some reason.

#7 is a REAL LIVE PERSON! :O His name is Charlie and he lives in the U.K. Isn't he adorable?! *cutesy face*

#8 is real, too! That's Ryan. Both Ryan and Charlie have youtube accounts. Feel free to check them out.

#9 Nick Jonas, and no, I'm not joking!

#10 be Itsuki and despite the fact he's made of paper, he's actually very hawt.

There, that wasn't so difficult now was it?