Sunday, May 30, 2010

Back into the circulation pt. 2

Ok, this goes from top to bottom.
#1 is Specs. He wasn't my first "boyfriend" but he definetly deserves to be #1. A newsie, of course.

#2 Tom. The newest "addition" to my "collection" >:)

#3 Q2, from Star Trek Voyager, what else?! He was my first official "boyfriend". Isn't he cute?! He sings, too!


#5 is indeed a doll. But he's so amazing!

#6 Brighton Sheffield from The Nanny. Not amazingly cute but his character made me love him for some reason.

#7 is a REAL LIVE PERSON! :O His name is Charlie and he lives in the U.K. Isn't he adorable?! *cutesy face*

#8 is real, too! That's Ryan. Both Ryan and Charlie have youtube accounts. Feel free to check them out.

#9 Nick Jonas, and no, I'm not joking!

#10 be Itsuki and despite the fact he's made of paper, he's actually very hawt.

There, that wasn't so difficult now was it?

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