Sunday, May 30, 2010

Back into the circulation

of my boring life. I spent 3 days straight at Sabrina's house this long weekend while my parents were gone. It was really fun and it certainly surprised me how I didn't even get fed up with her. (Spending too much time with a friend can get to my head sometimes.)
So, since I need to get that "serious" blog post down there out of the way, lets talk about something much more fun. Boyfriends. My boyfriends. And yes, that word is plural. They most certainly are not really my boyfriends but a girl can dream, can't she? My imagination has many different settings and there's a boy for this heroine on every one. Of course, the more boys, the more things to think about.
Lets list them all. :) (Kind of starting to bunch up, please bare with me.)

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