Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I owe you an IOU

For another pointless blog post!
Here, have a James! (But you have to give him back or else I'll claw your eyes out of your skull!)
Yes, just another beautiful man to obsess over. What else is new, really?

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I should probably blog about something instead of blogging about well... Nothing. I could blog about music, but I'm not bold enough to listen to anything. And I'm NOT GONNA BLOG ABOUT DOLLS cause that'll drag in quite a crowd of characters. I could blog about my art but I don't actually have any fans. Don't know much about fashion... I could run experiments on my turtle and track his growth... for science...? [Because that's not animal cruelty or anything...]
My cousins are here from Colorado and of course they brought there DSes...DSs... DSeses? Anyhow they brought those, their DSis, and their Xbox360, because they just love their family. But seriously, they're awesome to be related to they just hate nature I 'spose...

I'm off to go squirt things with my Super Soaker all alone now.
Any blogging suggestions would be nice thankyouverymuch. ._.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Oh shoot! My sunburn is getting dead skin all over Sabrina's shirt!

Pretty much. :p
I'm really hungry 24/7 and no matter how much I eat, I'm just not full so I'm just letting it happen and not eating at all. Ok, that's a lie. I still eat breakfast, lunch [occasionally], and dinner I just don't eat random snacks or anything during the day.
What's new...
Oh yeah! Music.
I listen to an awful lot of it. I just recently got my hands on some new Regina Spektor sounds for my ipod and I have 4 or 5 favorite songs at the moment. I suggest
You Don't Know Me- Ben Folds feat. Regina Spektor
Keep Your Head- The Ting Tings
Here Comes My Baby- Sons Of Admirals <---[Charlie is in this band! <3]
Dark Blue- Jack's Mannequin
What To Say- Born Ruffians

I'm also all into Lady Gaga out of nowhere. She's a character herself, but her music is good when I'm walking or doing anything that involves much energy.
Blahh. I have to write in my fanfiction tonight but I dunn wanna! I've even gotten a couple more readers to please!
Better grab a pack of animal crackers, open up a Diet Coke and get typin.
Peace from North of the Middle East
P.S. I was thinking... When I'm older I want to get a tattoo. I was thinking of either getting a bar code of something I own that's important to me possibly on my hip along with a little MADE IN CHINA script beneath my left foot OR get my little GAO signature on the back of my shoulder, on the blade. Which is better?

Friday, June 11, 2010


Today, my mom wanted to use the computer for "a quick sec" and that "sec" turned into at least a half hour. So I did what any other 14-year-old girl would do, stare at myself in the mirror and make faces.
Then I poorly sketched myself. My eyes look too big, my eye lashes are too clumped and my hair is sadly not that 'volumus'. I like her anyhow, she looks like a puppy.
Sorry it's so big, I can't re-size it for some reason...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

20th post!

Yay for me! (Too bad no one is reading this...)
Tomorrow is the last day of school and unlike everyone else, I'll be going a completely different route. While everyone at my school is going to Dow High, I'll be at Midland with only about 3 or 4 other kids at my school. Some of the people I'm leaving behind I'm glad I'll never have to encounter again, but others, not so much. Some of the people I talk to regularly I'm even not so sad about; we just talk about the English assignment from last night or maybe about the Spring Break trips we took, nothing but mindless chatter. Even people I just make jokes with I don't mind leaving.
All of them say that we will keep in touch and nothing will separate us, but I know I wont talk to any of them. It's sad, but these last few weeks, I've just decided to let it be. Not many of them I'm particularly close to so that makes it so much easier for me. The friends I was really close to aren't so close to me anymore, I've really let myself withdraw from everyone just to make letting go painless, and it's worked.
Sabrina said she'd walk home from school with me tomorrow, but I know she wont.
Bye guys, it's been a great 3 years but it's high time I grew up.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


If I could be anyone in the world, I'd be this model.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Back into the circulation pt. 2

Ok, this goes from top to bottom.
#1 is Specs. He wasn't my first "boyfriend" but he definetly deserves to be #1. A newsie, of course.

#2 Tom. The newest "addition" to my "collection" >:)

#3 Q2, from Star Trek Voyager, what else?! He was my first official "boyfriend". Isn't he cute?! He sings, too!


#5 is indeed a doll. But he's so amazing!

#6 Brighton Sheffield from The Nanny. Not amazingly cute but his character made me love him for some reason.

#7 is a REAL LIVE PERSON! :O His name is Charlie and he lives in the U.K. Isn't he adorable?! *cutesy face*

#8 is real, too! That's Ryan. Both Ryan and Charlie have youtube accounts. Feel free to check them out.

#9 Nick Jonas, and no, I'm not joking!

#10 be Itsuki and despite the fact he's made of paper, he's actually very hawt.

There, that wasn't so difficult now was it?

Back into the circulation

of my boring life. I spent 3 days straight at Sabrina's house this long weekend while my parents were gone. It was really fun and it certainly surprised me how I didn't even get fed up with her. (Spending too much time with a friend can get to my head sometimes.)
So, since I need to get that "serious" blog post down there out of the way, lets talk about something much more fun. Boyfriends. My boyfriends. And yes, that word is plural. They most certainly are not really my boyfriends but a girl can dream, can't she? My imagination has many different settings and there's a boy for this heroine on every one. Of course, the more boys, the more things to think about.
Lets list them all. :) (Kind of starting to bunch up, please bare with me.)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Well... Bye guys.

Pronunciation: \ə-ˈban-dənd\
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
1 : wholly free from restraint
2 : given up : forsaken
^^^^ That's me. Two of the most common people I'm with after school have new and better friends. One of them, she does hang out with me nearly every day but it's been 3 or 4 days we haven't done anything so I basically feel helpless and lonely. (It's called co-dependency and it freakin' sucks.) The other one really has ditched me. Whenever I ask if she's busy she tells me she has to meet her two other friends at a coffee joint in town. I'm being passed over for overly priced espresso and two people who show up at your house what seems to be every day. But I'm not complaining, just... Explaining.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Insecurity through gold-flecked eyes

I've been way too hard on myself lately. Every time I look in the mirror I bust out into tears and cry like Ma just shot Yeller. I'm not ugly. I'm not fat. So why do I cry? I love my style, my hair, and I most love my lashes but I cry anyhow. I don't think I'm skinny enough. My butt is too round. I'm sickly pale; my face looks like I rubbed a used frying pan all about it, it's so shiny. I used to wish I could be 5'2" now I wish just my legs could somehow add up to be just that much.
But everyone wants to change something about themselves, my list is just particularly long...
Look what I found! Me and my crazy interest in Victorian inspired fashions. It's called Steampunk and it's absolutely amazing. ...
Ok so I was going to put up a few pictures but blogger is disagreeing with me... So here's some urls: (And feel free to look it up, it's really cool)

I'd never wear this stuff, of course. (Waaay too costume-y not to mention expensive) But I've always found ways to hide elements of Loloita, Harijuku, cosplay even, and just about any other weird Japanese style into my own clothes. I'm not into all of that stuff as much as I used to be but I'll still always like it a little.

It's 90 degrees outside and I'm in skinny jeans and a black hoddie. Hooray self consciousness and slow laundry flow. Cheers to those who only own 2 pairs of shorts and have lazy older sisters.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bending you down underneath my thumb...

I feel like a water balloon of emotion today. But I mean that in a good way. I'm probably going to hit another break though with my Newsies fanfiction and pop out yet another brilliant chapter. (It's located here: ) It's just my character, Angela, running from her brother now. I've really got to get Spot and Kid Blink hooked up with my other two heroines. I wish I knew how Angela is going to meet her match but she wont even tell me yet. I guess I'll have to wait and see.
I'm getting that... feeling. Have you ever felt like you want something so badly but no matter what you do... you'll never get it. Like, it's literally impossible. I usually only feel like that about people, famous people. I just see a picture of that person and want to cry out. It's not like I want them because they're sew hawt ohmaigawsh. It's because I've let myself think so highly of them. Take Specs for example. I picked him out of a crowd of 20+ singing, dancing, shirtless teenage boys and decided he was my newsie. His character had zero background or personality so I took it on myself to turn him into Mr. Perfect. And I did. He became this brilliant creature to me and I just had to have him. But he wasn't real. Sure the actor was and still is but he's nothing like the man I made him into and by now Mark David is nearly 40! (Ok, sorry but, yuck.) Sorry sexy Spexy, I'll never have you. So you know what I did the first time I figured that out? I cried. Flat out bawled for 20 minutes! Sure it's pathetic, I should have known better, but doesn't it just sound devastating? I'm suddenly trying to turn Tom into that same perfect boy but I know two things about that him I cannot change:
1. I'll never meet him

2. He is literally a player and a master at 1-night-stands. I can't get myself mixed up in those. I could ramble on and on the reasons why a 1-night-stand is pointless and pathetic but I really don't have the time.

We're almost done with Alice In Wonderland at school and thank God! I don't think I could stomach another Zip a Dee or Doo Dah. In fact, I don't even think I can hold the ones I already have down. The play went pretty well and now all we have to do is go to a couple of elementary schools and hypnotize the booger picking brats for a few days. Wa. Hoo. My make-up and hair were cool, though. My older sister was home from college and opted to help me do my do.
My song is playing. I feel like everyone has a song that always hits them and makes them cry. Mine is Ocean Size Love by Leigh Nash. It just reminds me of how I'm too attached to my imagination. Sometimes, it makes me cry even.
Ok, enough talk of salty tears and runny noses.

Sims is awesome.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Dear Mr. Tree,

I apologize for breaking off a branch of yours and even ripping out some of your leaves, but you are crowding my swing set. I would appreciate it greatly if you did grow out your limbs elsewhere.
Thank you.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

But chu ah 3 inches tall, Alice. Chu ah!

I'm proud of myself. I ate very well today. I resisted junk food twice today and lasted 7 hours without eating! I'm not anorexic, just trying not to eat compulsively. I never ate ANYTHING during the winter because I was never hungry, but now that it's spring all I can think of is food. Ugh...
Having Sabrina around doesn't help much either. She loves to eat and we have so much junk food at my house. It's like Wonderland here.
On another note.... Forever21 is stalking me or something. It's a little unsettling but at the same time exciting. My style is in style! It's doll-inspired I believe, too. Funny, huh? :p
I know what I'm doing with all of my dolls now, speaking of them. Annnnnd I got my mom to let me get 2 more so William and Holly are last on my list. Don't think of me as strange, but I'm actually getting Holly so I can turn her into myself... *flinches* It's sounds spooky now but I think it will turn out cute!
Ok... Not so much then.

Goodbye, goodbye.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Summer is close

I know because I'm suddenly bored all the time and all I want to do is swing outside.
So nothing truly interesting to talk about today. I have the urge to start another fanfic but this time not about Newsies. (By the way, I have to inform my readers that I'm... aborting my fanfic fetus. As much as I am against abortions in the real world. I just can't raise this little fantasy into a brilliant novel on my own!!! *tears and such * )
Yeah sorry.
Soooo with much help from Sabs; I gots me this Tokio Hotel music. Guess who's having De Ja Vu! Yeah, me! When I first met my good friend Catherine last year all we had to talk about was a boy band that could be considered a tweens version of TH. Daz right, Cathy and I were united by the Jo-Bros. In Nick Jonas we stand! *various fist pumps* Though she was a Joe girl herself.
Heres how the stories collide:
I'd known Catherine for a long time because my best friend was close with her.

I'd known Sabrina for a long time because my best friend was close with her; we also went to elementary school together.

We started talking sometimes when that other girl was around.

I'd talk to Sabrina when she was hanging with Catherine.

I had a minuscule admiration for Nick Jonas (I thought he was kind of cute.) so I told her I liked the Jonas Brothers entirely.

I had seen Tokio Hotel ONCE on t.v. 2 years before and sort of liked them; so I asked questions about them and got myself involved.

Both of them got me up to date on everything that had happened to these guys from their births to that very minute.

I got obsessed with the Jonas Brothers.

I got ... well I'm not obsessed with Tokio Hotel I just really like their music and find Tom cute.

But yeah. I still have little day dreams about Tom like how I used to with Nick. But I'm a girl and girls obsess over boys.
Am I the only one who thinks Bill Kaulitz's voice in the English Humanoid cd sounds the slightest bit like Joe Jonas'?

Sunday, April 18, 2010


<--(Darlingest Mika) Ok... So that whole video thing didn't work but iz cool. My life keeps on moving and I just can't keep up with it! Sabrina is a new found friend of mine. It's kind of strange; we've known each other since, what? 3rd grade. But we never talked till a few months ago. We never hung out until a few weeks ago and now we're kinda like this. *crosses fingers* Since I've kinda put the Newsies obsession to rest, I've allowed myself to accept Suhbrinuh's Tokio Hotel obsession to the point that I now spend hours on end on their official forum. Uhhhhh... What the heck is happening to me?! We even had a little bit of a fight over Tom... A member of the band. I promised I'd share both Grace and my most wonderfully precious darlingest Mika in trade for part of her "wittle Tomi". Mika has been my wonderful since 6th grade; I wouldn't trade him off for just any boy. (It's not so much trading as it is accepting her to love him, too.) But she thinks I'M going over the top with TH all of a sudden. I came to school today and she had mika all over her binders. She's making collages left and right! I can't even keep up!
But I am doodling Tom in everything now... And mentioning him every time I get the chance... And... Creepin pictures of him... >.>
It's kind of... Weird. I'm such a plain person. You know me, obsessin over Mark David who isn't even famous anymore and Brighton Sheffield from the Nanny who was only cute for a season or two. Finding someone so different from basic is really weird to me. I'm not saying I like crazy, glitzy, hair spray soaked, sequin wearin' , skinny jean sportin boys all of a sudden. (That would only happen if I liked Bill. Ewwwh!) I'm just sayin... I'm findin a boy a bit over the top... Cute.
Anyone catchin on here?
This takes me back to 6th grade. My whole "I'mma start a band and dye my hair and grow a mohawk! Yeah!" That never happened, did it? Hmm. My head still has hair all around on top so I guess not. I couldn't find someone who was real to obsess over at that time so I made up Eric. My imaginary boyfriend who dyed his hair black with a little blue streak and wore eyeliner would somehow find me in the real world someday. *sniff* He was so cool.
Unfortunatly, I now find boys who dye their hair black with a little streak of deep blue are either emo or gay. Two major turn-offs for this lady.
So I turn to you, Tom. Besides your strange choice of hairstyle, you are generally normal looking and something I can talk about often with ease.
And of course, Sabrina left this door wide open for me to waltz right in... And she wonders how I suddenly like them...
On this note I must propose something. Cause; I haz a question...
Which Taeyang should I get?



Dwell on THAT!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hey look! I'm still posting! WHY?!?!?!

So, I'm back. To rant more about my life. FUN.
I think I may have mentioned that I've been cast in my choir's production of Alice In Wonderland. Geez, that made it sound like it was actually important or something! I'm a little confused as to why I was cast as the Queen Of Hearts. I get that I'm tall and I'm a good singer and I have the best obnoxious 'I'm sort of British but it's hard to tell because I'm so loud and rude' voice, but I'm not a chunky legged, doubled chinned, red faced jerk like the lady I'm supposed to portray. So who am I turning this character into?
I have a few choices.
1. I can be that obese, spoiled woman from the original Disney movie everyone knows about. (Though this involves eating a lot of cake and getting out of gym class somehow.)

2. I can be the lanky, tall Queen of Hearts who's stubborn and loud.

3. I can be the cute, cunning Queen Of Hearts who masters in Simon Says like no other champ and gives shifty glances to Alice to make her feel incredibly uncomfortable... >:)

4. I can be the mood swinging drama queen who's happy one minute and peeved the next.

5. I can go onstage and pass out of stage fright.

So many choices... Everyone says I'm ''convincing'' during rehearsal. Hmm... I'm also told my voice is "perfect" and I could scare the buhgeeburs out of my fellow actors' dads any day... (New hobby?) I think I was given the role hands down. Not only because I was probably the loudest of all who auditioned but because I really fit the role. I will admit, I am being a diva about not have very many lines and having to ruin my solo by yelling instead of singing, (I also expect a costume made of the finest materials and literally fit for a Queen, tee-hee!) but I'm happy nonetheless.
And very, very excited.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The evolution of an inanimate object.

Well... Sort of inanimate. She does have a face. Natsumi, my doll, I mean. Ha, Natsumi, what a stupid name! I tried to change it but it wouldn't stick. I love her anyhow. This post is going to be about Pullip of course. (Just found out it's pronounced Pu-lip. Like tulip.) My best friend is getting Kirsche and eventually we want to split a Horizon 50-50 and me, I'm ordering a Lead with a fur wig as soon a I get back from New York. I'll also be thinking about buying a poor Prunella for $35 off a careless dolly owner, but good friend. I just have no idea what I'll do with her.
So anyway, back to the evolution thing. Nat has changed. A lot.
From the beginning:

To the pony:

To the cut (My personal favorite, but it got too messy.) :

To the 2nd pony (My LEAST favorite):

To the baldness... :

The re-wig:

To today:

She really is adorable.
I have a lot to think about "dolly wise" . I just got another one and I'm already thinking ahead. I already know I want no more then 8 but with all the ones I want it's pushing to 10! I'm trying to be the person with only so many. I want to have just 4 or 5 to customize and really love instead of 15-20 that collect dust and stay stock. So wanting a dal, 6 more pullip, and 2 taeyang isn't exactly helping. Why do I have to like DOLLS of all things?! I'm such a reject. I wish I found Twilight appealing.

But it's "How can you NOT resist this face?"

"Isn't he so handsome in a new wig? "

"I thought he was ugly before, too... But have you SEEN the customer pictures?!"

Aren't I a loser? Not wasting my money on clothes or UGGs, but dolls.
I should re-think my obsessions.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Don't ask me why I'm postin...

Cause I don't know why. I've just been super bored and too lazy to actually sit and write in an actually diary.
No more panicking about the turtle. Thats what I've told myself. Sure, changing his water everyday is a pain in the bum and REALLY EXPENSIVE. *Cough* *Cough* But I'll do it for him. (Plus he goes II so much it's just disgusting to keep it as is.) And I MIGHT be getting a used Prunella for my birthday from a very good friend of mine. Well, as long as her mom says it's ok I am. Other then that I'm going for a Venus no matter how much I hate shiny faces...
I hurt in a strange area and I fear it's something fatal because I'm me and I freak about this kind of stuff. Is it hot in here? I think I'm loosing my sight... FREDRICKSON?! FREDRICSON?! WHERE ARE YOU?! Oh... Wait, he left.
Did I mention I'm loosing my sanity?
I'm also going to New York CITY for spring break. My sister, mother, and I are going to go see Wicked (I knew if I waited I'd get to see it at it's best, on Broadway!) while my brothers and my dad go eat food or something. I forgot. We're going shopping and my sister and I are going to spend hours and hours on end in that giant Forever21 I keep hearing about. We're going to Brooklyn (SPOT?!) to visit the little poor children we sponsor through a Christian ministry who's name escapes me.

I'm getting my braces off tomorrow.
Heck. Yes.

Tired and in pain I'm ending this post.

Monday, February 22, 2010

This just in...

Lace is the new plaid. Or... At least I hope it will be. Then again, Forever21 said last week rompers were in and I haven't seen nobody wearin' no romper. Which is good, I really hate rompers.
So... I never post but I don't need to apologize for that. There's no one to apologize to. So why do I keep posting? Because I need something to talk to when no one is on facebook.
Well, I got this turtle for my birthday. I love this turtle and I truly feel this turtle hates me back. Yes he is cute and tiny and everything but I can't help but feel I'd like a doll more. Don't look at me like that, I said I loved the turtle. I just don't think I'm old enough to be able to care for him properly. Sometimes I just want to break down and cry because I don't think he'll live much longer. My mom doesn't care about him health-wise. She says whatever the boy at the petstore said he needs is what he needs but that boy at the petstore was texting while he talked to us. Actually, scratch that. It wasn't even a pet store, it was a kiosk at the SAGINAW MALL. All they fed the things were pellets. They had 12+ turtles in the same size tank I have mine in. 5 of them weren't even red eared sliders. Thats totally healthy. But if you think thats bad you should have seen the full grown RES I saw at the pet store here in town. He was in this teeny tank full of gravel and barely any basking space. Why is this bad?
1. Aquatic turtles, like red eared sliders, need room to swim. Hence the word aquatic.
2. If a turtle eats gravel, it's likely it will pass though it's body but there are cases when they don't and the turtle dies a slow, painful death because it's intestines are all clogged up with brightly colored rocks. I don't care if the rocks are pretty, TAKE EM OUT! I did as soon as I saw pictures of turtles pooing out pebbles.
3. Basking for turtles helps shell's health and who doesn't love to lie out in the sun?
Hmm... Maybe I do know what I'm doing. But am I kind enough to spend any of the cash I'm saving up to buy myself Venus to save a life? Maybe, but it will matter how much that filters gonna cost me. In two years how much is that tank upgrade gonna be? Could I just keep him in a bucket instead to save myself a few $100? I really hope I can get attached to that baby.

Rachel, you haven't talked to me for over a month for reasons still unknown and yet your still my only blog follower... Comments anyone?


Saturday, January 16, 2010


It's really really cold in my house today. I really wish all the snow would melt and go home to the oceans and lakes of the world. Just sent the world's longest email to my mom about why I love Pullip and how I want Fanatica for my birthday. I really doubt it'll do anything but it's worth a shot.
Other than that I've been stuck at home all day because for some weird reason, no one will call me. ;)
Wellllll... My friend just got on chat with me soooo... BYE!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Youtube makes the world slow down

With over 300 videos on my youtube favorites list, at least some of them have to be good! Heres some of my super favorites:
Sims 2: Lilium

Sims 2: Karma Slave

What Lady Gaga does well, MIKA does superbly

Mr. B in a banner ad

Rah Rah Ah Ah Ah AAh

80's musical t.v. shows+Newsies= THIS

Numa Numa Newsies

Monty Python

And of course we need something 90's for the mix...

Enjoy yourselves... Whoever you are...
- P.